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Writer's pictureLiz Busby

“Orpheus Sings to Mary and Martha” by Emily Harris Adams

Lazarus is sealed up in the tomb, sleeping in the viper’s den. And I know that you, like me, will want your God to set him free. Lazarus is slipping down the path where I lost Eurydice again.

My Eurydice was sweet, with eyes innocent and open. I thought to buy her freedom: offering my song and love, boundless as the sea. Lazarus is sealed up in the tomb, sleeping in the viper’s den.

The path between life and death is rife with both Gods and men. As traveler of that path, let me warn you: only Gods go and return safely. Lazarus is slipping down the path where I lost Eurydice again.

Of all you have to offer, perfection is the only bid you can make and win. And as good as you are, perfection is beyond your means to give or be. Lazarus is sealed up in the tomb, sleeping in the viper’s den.

At the command of anyone less than a God, no tomb will open. So, ask your God, not for a bargain, as I did with Hades and Persephone. Lazarus is slipping down the path where I lost Eurydice again.

Ask your God to be the price, the ransom, the trade for men. And ask for more than Lazarus. Ask for Eurydice. Ask for me. Lazarus is sealed up in the tomb, sleeping in the viper’s den. Lazarus is slipping down the path where I lost my Eurydice again.

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