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Mormon Lit Blitz submissions: Due August 31st

This is a reminder that submissions for the Twelfth Annual Mormon Lit Blitz writing contest are due on 31 August 2023 to Submitted works may be in any genre so long as they are under 1,000 words and designed to resonate in some way with a Latter-day Saint audience. Submissions may be written in any language. Previously published material and simultaneous submissions are acceptable. Up to three submissions are allowed per author.

Finalists will initially be published in late September or early October, both in electronic form on the Mormon Lit Lab website ( and in audio form on an accompanying Mormon Lit Lab podcast. At the conclusion of the Lit Blitz, readers will vote for their favorite pieces, and two prizes will be given: a $125 prize to the audience choice winner and a $125 prize for a judge’s choice award. All finalists will later be published in a print anthology, and their authors will become eligible for our new book development program.

To facilitate the judging process, we prefer to receive submissions as .doc, .docx, or .pdf attachments. Please include the author’s name and contact information in the body of the email but not in the attached story text. Please email submissions and any questions you may have to

As a writer, you retain the right to republish your piece in your own collections or other venues. By submitting, authors give us non-exclusive rights to publish their work electronically, as part of an audio podcast, and in a future print anthology (with an anthology copy as payment for including your piece or pieces). As stated above, previously published work is fine if you still have the rights to the piece and if it meets the above contest requirements.

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