Thanks to all who read the finalists and voted in the “Meeting of the Myths” contest. The results are as follows:
Third Place (tie):
“A Voice Not Crying in the Wilderness” by Jonathon Penny
“Daughter of a Boto” by Katherine Cowley
Second Place:
“The Trail” by Stephen Carter
First Place:
“Spring Hill” by Luisa Perkins
Congratulations to the winners!
We hope both writers and readers will come back in the spring to join us for the Fourth Annual Mormon Lit Blitz, featuring short Mormon works and in all genres (1,000 words limit for prose, 30 line limit for poetry, similar reading times expected from comics and other forms). Our working submission deadline (subject to possible rescheduling) is 15 April 2015, with finalists appearing in May.
We also hope to release an eBook anthology of finalists and semi-finalists from the Third Annual Mormon Lit Blitz around the same time.
For those looking for interesting reading by Mormon writers between now and the spring, we would encourage you to look for other work, online and in print, from our finalists.
-Nicole and James Goldberg, Contest Editors